Custom Engineering for Brazing Assembly

Committed to Excellence in Technical Ceramics

Simplifying Product Complexities

Committed to Excellence in Technical Ceramics

Integrated In-House Capabilites

Committed to Excellence in Technical Ceramics

Superior Quality Delivered

Committed to Excellence in Technical Ceramics

From the Leadership Team

We, at Bangalore Ceramics, continuously focus on quality and innovation. To that end, we have embarked on an ongoing pursuit of continuous improvement through the use of upgraded technology and fine-tuning its processes as per the need. We take pride in closely working with clients to design products that help meet their ever-changing needs.

Going forward, in future, our focus will be on R&D as well as boosting our infrastructure to meet the demands of the vacuum industry, atomic energy and power sector.
Our leadership team inspires the company with their passion for innovative thinking and penchant for superior quality in manufacturing, thereby translating into tremendous success. Read More

Processes Approach

Catering to the changing needs of customers with a focus on delivering superior quality, we have created a series of processes that are seamlessly integrated. This series of complex processes along with the appropriate raw materials are used to make fine ceramic products, thereby driving excellence.

Industries We Serve

industrial ceramics for vacuum industries
industrial ceramics for food and agriculture industries
Food and Agriculture
industrial ceramics for medical industries
industrial ceramics for mechanical industries
industrial ceramics for pulp and paper industries
Pulp and Paper
industrial ceramics for electrical and electronics industries
Electrical & Electronics
industrial ceramics for automotive industries
industrial ceramics for defence industries
industrial ceramics for aerospace industries
industrial ceramics for textile industries
industrial ceramics for oil and gas industries
Oil and Gas
industrial ceramics for chemical industries
  • Contact Info

    #48, 49, 50, 1st main road, New Timber Yard Layout, Mysore Road, Bangalore-560026, India.

  • Email Address

  • Telephone

    9845828670, 9900570775, 9900870773, 8553341206 Landline +91-080-26742583

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